Revolutionary Power: An Activist's Guide to the Energy Transition (2021) by Shalanda Baker, is a playbook for the energy transformation intended to arm those made most vulnerable by our current energy system with the tools they need to remake the system in the service of their humanity.

Who is the "We" in "We are Causing Climate Change?" (2018)
Genevieve Guenther discusses the idea that the majority of the planet wants to end climate change, and that the small majority that would rather collapse the world that we know it in favor of the fossil fuel economy is the real "we" causing climate change, and they should be held accountable.

What’s the Price of Ignoring Climate Change? (2019)
This article by climate science writers Naomi Oreskes and Nicholas Stern discusses the economic impacts of global warming, including why we have failed to act in the past and what we need to do now. Through their conversations in the article, we can better understand the economic situation we are in and solutions recomended by experts.

Women's Earth Alliance: Women Fighting the Climate Crisis (2020)
This article covers the importance of community and feminine or feminist approaches towards climate resiliency. The Women’s Earth Alliance, described in Bourgoin’s article, works to provide support to grass-roots women-led organizations in order to amplify diversity and equity within the environmental movement.

Letter from Birmingham Jail (1963)
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. writes, "Anyone who lives inside the United States can
never be considered an outsider." We can learn valuable lessons from this powerful letter from a Birmingham Jail, one being that there are no outsiders in humanity's collective fight to protect our planet and all the people who inhabit this Earth.

Enterprise Innovation and Economic Diversity in Community-Supported Agriculture (2015)
Jenny Cameron weaves agricultural sustainability with community economics in this essay on urban-based enterprises that build strong commections with rural producers, bringing urban customers power over the role they play in agricultural stewardship.

Stopping Climate Change is Hopeless. Let's do it (2018)
In this essay, Auden Schendler and Andrew Jones discuss the hopeless nature of climate change, but argues that we can conquer this crisis. The main argument is that addressing climate change begins with personal actions.

J. Drew Lanham analyzes the connection out between the experiences of a bird species brought to extinction by human impact and connecting these feelings of loss to his desire to preserve the environment. He connects this loss and grief to his experiences, and experiences of those before him, as a Black man living in southern America.

Shifting views of an ideal society in the U.S.(2020)
Jennifer Carmen, Anthony Leiserowitz, Seth Rosenthal, Edward Maibach, John Kotcher, Xinran Wang, and Jennifer Marlon join forces to analyze how individual attitudes' towards climate change risks and solutions are shaped by personal and social factors other than knowledge of climate change alone. One major factor is differing cultural worldviews, or values regarding how society should be structured and the role of government in addressing these problems.

An Economy of Abundance
Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer, ecologist and member of Citizen Band Potawatomi, harvests serviceberries with the birds and contemplates the gift economy in the context of capitalism. She explores that we can learn from indigenous understandings of reciproicty and ecological connections and the meaning of economy as community connections.

Indigenous Knowledge has been Warning us about Climate Change for Centuries (2019)
Malcolm Harris speaks with Nishnaabeg scholar Leanne Beasamosake Simpson about why "green growth" alone cannot save the planet from the climate crisis. She encourages readers to consider climate change in the context of colonialism and the history of material society in order to have a more holistic understanding of the complex climate issue.

From Banks and Tanks to Cooperation and Caring: A Strategic Framework for a Just Transition
This zine by Movement Generation provides a framework for a climate transition that centers justice in all decision making and intentions, which is critical to build an economy that is sustainable and equitable for all its members. Extractive economies are unsustainable, and their strategy aims to "democratize, decentralize and diversify economic activity while we damper down consumption, and (re)distribute
resources and power".

Why make time to feel when there is a world to save? (2021)
Dr. Malika Virah Sawmy discusses coping mechanisms and climate change, and tells her personal experience with numbness and "inviting back [her] emotions" despite the safety of keeping feeling out of her work.

Climate Anxiety Is an Overwhelmingly White Phenomenon (2021)
Sarah Jacquette Ray discusses what it means to be a person of clor in a changing climate while white climate response dominates not only the conversation but the solution. While black and brown peole have always faced the prospect of an unlivable future, particularly in America, those "who had been insulated from oppression are now waking up to the prospect of their own unlivable future." What does this mean for racial equity and the types of questions climate advocates need to be asking themselves? What does resilience in the climate movement mean when coupled with black, indigenous, and femininst ideas of persistance?

Hip hop and nueva cancion as decolonial pedagogies of epistemic justice (2015)
Authors Marco Antonio Cervantes and Lilliana Patricia Saldaña give multiple examples of decolonial music and speaks to the importance of music and alternatives forms of activism and communication in the climate movement.

To fix the climate crisis, we must face up to our imperial past (2019)
This article by Daniel Macmillen Voskoboynik sets up the history of colonial abuses that have caused the degradation of the natural world and numerous groups of people. These harms must be something we come to understand in order to truly fix the destruction of our climate and environment.

The Green New Deal and the Danger of Climate Colonialism (2019)
This article by Olufemi O. Taiwo discusses some of the possible harms the Green New Deal could create based off of the history of neocolonialism.

Climate activist Luisa Neubauer: 'how can we turn this anxiety into something constructive?' (2021)
Climate activist and founder of the "Fridays for Future" Stricklands movement speaks on how we can turn our anxieties surrounding climate change, into action for change.

'The impossible has already happened': what coronavirus can teach us about hope (2021)
Rebecca Solnit Speaks to this time period as a crossroads with the ability to redefine who we are and how in moments of disaster, we can see clarity.

Ash Sanders tells the story of their climate burnout, ecoanxiety during the Trump administration, solastalgia, and treatment in a deeply personal essay about struggling with the impending doom that climate activists face.

2017 Wildcare Nature Writing Prize Winner Harriet Riley's essay on denial and grief over climate, extinction, and the finality of loss calls environmentalists to "to work for the living, not hunt for the dead".

We Need Courage, Not Hope, to Face Climate Change (2018)
Climate Scientist Kate Marvel discusses the idea that climate hope cannot come from science, and that instead, we need the courage to face the world that we have created rather than grief for the world that we are inevitably going to lose.

Diego Arguedas Ortiz contemplates the idea that hope is something you have to earn, and that you cannot just get it from others. Making your own hope, finding solace in your own action, is how we fight both climate change and climate depression.

Climate Change Isn't the First Existential Threat (2019)
Mary Annaïse Heglar discusses “existential exceptionalism” and the idea that, although the climate crisis is a problem at an exceptional scale, existential crises have been impacting people of color for hundreds of years. Communities of color have experience building movements, staying courageous, and surviving impossible odds.

What Listening Means in a Time of Climate Crisis (2019)
Tara Houska discusses the voices of indigenous elders and what they mean in the context of climate change. This beautiful essay explores the brokenness of human communication with the earth, and what it means when that link is broken. She calls for communication with the earth in deep and personal ways.